Travel responsibly with MGT

Travel responsibly with MGT

The world is facing a climate emergency, and future generations depend on us to protect our Earth. Tourism can significantly impact our environment, and travelers are increasingly seeking ways to minimize this impact. At Mai Globe Travels, we are dedicated to responsible and sustainable tourism. Mai Globe Travels is striving to become a leader in responsible tourism. We reduce our carbon footprint by offering “slow travel” and walking tours, minimizing our use of plastics, planting trees, and engaging in gardening projects. We seek and collaborate with trusted partners who share our values, ensuring ethical practices that give back to and respect the local population. We support fair trade, work with small businesses, and engage in projects with local charities to assist the underprivileged. We cherish our host countries and their people and are committed to making a positive impact.

Experiment and Immerse

We believe that immersion is the key to feeling “the pulse” of a destination. Our team of experts has tremendous knowledge of our destinations and can create unique experiences for you. Immerse yourself in a location for 3 or 4 days, in accommodations carefully selected just for you. Take time to connect with the people and the locale, with hands-on experiences such as permaculture, tree planting, or crafts. Learn how to cook Sri Lankan curry or educate yourself on analog forestry.

Travel Differently

We encourage people to move away from rushed itineraries that check destinations off the list. Instead, choose slow travel, which allows you to absorb and discover so much more. Alternatives such as hiking, biking and train travel get you off the beaten path with fewer CO2 emissions, and longer holidays allow you to really get to know your destination and build memories.

Our mission is to offer tours that combine the must-see sites with those off the beaten track, while trying to avoid places that are suffering from mass tourism. The Cultural Triangle in Sri Lanka and Halong Bay in Vietnam are must- see sites, however, we have learned that there are many sites that are equally amazing and less touristy. We’d love to share our experience with you.

We are working to minimize our carbon footprint through changes in our practice and eco-responsible projects. It may take time to reap the benefits, but we need to start now.

Here are some inspirational articles

Together we can protect SL’s Primeval Sinharaja Forest
Together we can protect SL’s Primeval Sinharaja Forest
These little encounters made this journey so special and memorable
These little encounters made this journey so special and memorable
The secrets of Mai Globe’s Green Tour
The secrets of Mai Globe’s Green Tour
Adam’s Peak Pilgrimage
Adam’s Peak Pilgrimage
Hiking and trekking in Sri Lanka
Hiking and trekking in Sri Lanka
Our Eco-friendly Tours